
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Google Adsense - High Earning 130k Check

Jeremy Shoemaker, the owner of ShoeMoney got this check on September, 2005.

After he posted the check on that thread, he received many emails and questions. So he posted this...

# 1) How much of the check was profit?
        - At the time my expenses were 1 server @ 299$ per month for hosting. I would say atleast 130k was profit.
# 2) How much of the traffic was pay per click?
        - None of it was pay per click. Back then I did not know anything at all about pay per click.
# 3) Where did all your traffic come from?
        - About 70% of the traffic was direct 15% from search engines and 15% from referrals.
# 4) How much traffic did the site get to get that much money?
        - About 75k uniq per day.
# 5) Why did you get a paper check and not wire?
        - Back then Google did not do wire transfers for amounts of $10,000.00
# 6) Do you think its possible to still earn that kind of revenue? (most often asked question)
        - Yes.
# 7) How long did it take to make revenue?
        - I never tried to make any money the first 1.5 years it was running. I just concentrated on providing a good service. About 2 years after I started the site It started to do good revenue from AdSense

Besides, he said, "I have permission from Google to display this in my blog and in my presentations. Please check with Google before you disclose any of your reporting", on his blog.

Here is the full month report.

Have you heard of Google Adsense?
I will post some information about it and guides on it awhile later. Stay tuned =)

The Adsense Check for $132,994.97

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow cool